Jacob Prays

Jacob’s life provides the student of the Bible various lessons. One important lesson that we can apply to our own lives is the example of prayer we find in Genesis 32. Here, Jacob is preparing to meet his brother Esau for the first time since Jacob fled Canaan. As Jacob made his way back to the promised land, he learned that Esau was coming to greet him with 400 men. Fearing the worst, Jacob prayed.

Jacob’s prayer can be an example for us when we are in a time of distress. He first recognizes God and then acknowledges his own unworthiness. (Gen 32:9,10) Jacob then recalls all the favors and blessings that he has received. By remembering this in his prayer, Jacob is recognizing God as the source of these blessings and favor. Jacob then asks for God to save him and states that he is afraid. He recalls the promise that God made to him that Jacob’s descendants will be like the sand of the sea.—vss. 11,12

This prayer provides us insight into Jacob’s character. He was humble, not elevating himself in position to God or his brother. Jacob was full of faith in God—he had seen God overrule for him in the past and had confidence that God would continue to do so. He was also a man with a sincere heart unafraid to ask God for help.

When we face a trial or difficulty, God wants us to come to him in prayer. When we ask for help from God, do we base our requests on his promises? God has made many precious promises to his believers. Like Jacob, we can rely on these promises during our trials because we know God is faithful to what he has promised. Isaiah 55:11 (New International Version) says of God: “My word that goes out from my mouth; it will not return to me empty.” Additionally, if we are anxious, nervous, or afraid, God wants us to rely on him. “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (1 Pet. 5:7, NIV) Let us remember during our trials to turn to the Heavenly Father using the privilege of prayer, just as Jacob did.

Jacob and Esau

“Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger.” (Gen. 25:23, NIV) Those two nations were to come from Esau, the firstborn, and Jacob, whose name means “he grasps the heel” as he did when they were born. Even from birth it seems, Jacob wanted to be the firstborn. Jacob recognized that the birthright of the first son was not merely the inheriting of possessions but more so the authority and promises made to the father, which would mean inheriting from Isaac the promise God had given to Abraham.

Jacob was content among the tents (vs. 27), while his brother found fulfillment in the things of the “open country.” Their mother, Rebekah, was a woman who trusted God. She would have surely taught Jacob of God’s promises and his response to her prayers. Jacob was mindful and desirous of God’s blessing as seen time and again throughout his life. By contrast, Esau did not make spiritual things a priority. He did not recognize the spiritual value of his birthright when Jacob saw opportunity to obtain it by stew and an oath, “I am about to die. What good is a birthright to me?” was Esau’s reply. (vs. 32, NIV) Having legally come into possession of the inheritance of Isaac and Abraham, it is unclear why the deception of Isaac was thought to be necessary, but in it is evident Jacob’s spiritual priority.


This lesson is a mirror of the transition from the Jews to the Gentiles at the beginning of the Gospel Age. As Genesis 25:23 foretold, the elder should serve the younger, so the Gospel church, composed mostly of Gentiles and though younger, obtained the birthright of the Jewish house. The nation of Israel as a whole did not have spiritual priorities. In general they were focused on earthly gain. The Gentile believers, however, were eager to find mercy and to serve God and, as a result, were given the blessing of running for the prize of the high calling. God “is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” (Heb. 11:6) Let the story of Jacob and Esau be a reminder to maintain our focus on spiritual matters, always seeking God and the blessings that come with serving Him.


Abrahamic Promise to Isaac

Because of his faithfulness, Abraham received many blessings. He was directed by God at the age of 75 to leave his family and land, and relocate to a land that he would eventually inherit. God said in Genesis 12:2,3 (NIV), “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth shall be blessed through you.”

Because of Abraham’s obedience, God expanded the promise when repeating it to Abraham’s grandson, Jacob. “Thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.”—Gen. 28:14

Abraham was 99 and Sarah was 89 when God promised them a son to be born the next year. At the same time, Abraham also received the rite of circumcision. “This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised.” (Gen. 17:10) See also Acts 7:8. One year later Isaac was born.

When Isaac became a young man, Abraham sent his eldest servant to Haran to find Isaac a wife from among Abraham’s relatives. The servant found Rebekah who became Isaac’s wife. (Gen. 24:2-67) After marrying Rebekah, Isaac received the land given to his father Abraham by God. “And Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac.”— Gen. 25:5

Isaac also received God’s promise to Abraham which was confirmed in Genesis 26:2-4, “I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, . . . and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.” Notice that in these verses the heavenly seed “stars of heaven,” is mentioned exclusively to Isaac because he pictured that spiritual seed of the Abrahamic promise. Galatians 3:16,29 says, “Now unto Abraham and his seed were the promises made. . . . And to thy seed which is Christ. . . . If ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.” This shows us that Jesus and his followers will be the starry, heavenly seed of Abraham that will bless all the families of the earth.

On Earth Peace, Good Will Toward Men

When the angels announced the birth of our Lord Jesus to the shepherds, they said: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” (Luke 2:14) Today, with all of the conflict and trouble that mankind faces, this promise seems unattainable. Recently, 129 civilians were killed by terrorists in Paris. The civil war in Syria has created millions of refugees, many of whom have fled to Europe for peace and safety. In the US, mass shooting incidents continue with depressing regularity. It seems no one and no where is safe. Where is the peace and good will the angels promised?

The angels spoke of a future day when God would take direct control of man’s affairs and then bring peace to mankind. David writes about this in Psa. 46:6,8-10 (NASB): “The nations made an uproar, the kingdoms tottered; He [God] raised His voice, the earth melted. … Come, behold the works of the LORD, Who has wrought desolations in the earth. He makes wars to cease to the end of the earth; He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two; He burns the chariots with fire. ‘Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’”

God, through the glorified Christ and his faithful followers [church], will utter His voice and the nations will melt. He will make wars to cease, stop the striving among nations, races and ethnic groups and God will be exalted in the earth.

Joel chapter 2 describes the Lord’s great army, the collection of movements that help melt the nations. (vss. 1-11) Before them “the earth quakes, the heavens tremble.” (Joel 2:10 NASB) Joel chapter 3 tells us the trouble revolves around Israel. “I [God] will gather all the nations And bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there On behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations.” (Joel 3:2 NASB) Then, “the LORD roars from Zion [Christ and the church] And utters His voice from Jerusalem, And the heavens and the earth tremble. But the LORD is a refuge for His people And a stronghold to the sons of Israel.”—Joel 3:16 NASB

God shakes not only the earth but also the heavens so Christ’s earthly kingdom can be established. (Heb. 12:26-29 NASB) Then, “He [Christ] will speak peace to the nations; And His dominion will be from sea to sea, And from the River to the ends of the earth.” (Zech 9:10 NASB) Through the blood of his cross and his earthly kingdom, Christ will give all the opportunity to come back into harmony and peace with God.

To learn more, see our ad for the booklet God’s Remedy for a World  one Mad on the back page.


Isaac was not Abraham’s first born son. Abraham was 75 years old when God made the promise to him, “I will make of thee a great nation.” (Gen. 12:2) But his wife Sarai was barren. Ten years later, she was still barren, so she suggested to her husband that he also marry her hand maid Hagar that Sarai may obtain children by her. (Gen. 16:2) Hagar conceived and bore Ishmael, Abraham’s first-born son.

The Apostle Paul tells us in Gal. 4:22-26,28: “Abraham had two sons, the one by a bond maid, the other by a freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. Which things are an allegory: [figurative illustration], for these are the two covenants; the one [Law covenant] from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. But Jerusalem [Abrahamic covenant which produces the heavenly seed class] which is above is free, which is the mother [Sarah] of us all. … Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.”

The Apostle Paul was speaking to the consecrated, disciples of Christ as we read in Gal. 3:27,29: “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. … And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Ishmael was born before Isaac. Thus, it appeared that the Abrahamic promise would come through him, but God said no. “And God said, ‘Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.’”—Gen. 17:19

Thus, Sarah was a type of the Abrahamic Covenant and Isaac was a type of Jesus and the church. Hagar was a type of the Law Covenant and Ishmael was a type of Jewish people.

Isaac and Rebekah

A Type of Christ and the Church

In Genesis 24 God uses a beautiful picture to show how He calls those to be the bride of Christ [church]. Abraham sends his most trusted servant Eliezer to select a bride for his son Isaac. Abraham makes Eliezer promise not to go to the Caananites to select the bride for they were idolaters. Instead, Eliezer was to travel 550 miles to Haran and Abraham’s brother’s household for Isaac’s bride because they worshipped the God of heaven.

The main characters in chapter 24 have a spiritual application. Abraham represents God. No man cometh unto me lest the father draw him. (John 6:44) Eliezer pictures the Holy Spirit. He will teach you all things. (John 14:26) Rebecca represents the called and selected bride of Christ. She has adorned herself. (Rev. 21:2) Isaac pictures our Lord Jesus. Christ is the spiritual seed and heir of the Abrahamic promise.—Gal. 3:29

Verses 15 to 22 show Rebecca’s humble, loving and kind character, willing to serve others. This shows God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble.—1 Peter 5:5

At the end of the journey Rebecca sees a man coming to greet them. Eliezer tells her that he is Isaac. She immediately leaps off the camel and puts on her veil. Isaac must have beenvery pleased because he took Rebecca to his mother’s tent and he was comforted.

What a leap of faith Rebecca made when she left her family forever to become the bride of Abraham’s son. So too, the followers of Jesus [church] have given up their earthly rights to become spiritual sons of God. (1 John 3:2) They receive guidance and help from the Holy Spirit during the journey. At the end the church makes herself ready. (Rev. 19.7) She puts on her veil, a symbol of death. Her old nature [flesh]s dies so that her new creature receives its spiritual body and joins our Lord Jesus in heaven. (1 Cor.15:50-54) This Gospel age and its harvest is the time to prepare and complete Christ and the church so the Abrahamic promise to bless all the nations of the earth can be fulfilled.—Gen. 22:18

The Abrahamic Covenant

Because of Abraham’s great faith, God gave him many assurances concerning the future. These centered upon the promise of a “seed,” through which “all families of the earth” would be blessed.—Acts 7:2-4; Gen. 11:10-26; 12:1-7; 13:15-17; 15:5; 17:1-7

In Abraham’s mind, the birth of his promised son, Isaac, perhaps meant the start of the fulfillment of all God’s promises which had been given, and that soon all mankind would in deed be blessed. (Gen. 21) However, God’s plan for man’s blessing did not culminate with the birth of Isaac. Later, when Isaac was a young man, God instructed Abraham to take “thine only son Isaac,” and offer him in sacrifice on Mount Moriah. Once again, in faith, Abraham obeyed. God, however, stopped him from carrying out the act of slaying his son, and provided in his place a ram, or male sheep, to be offered in Isaac’s stead.—Gen. 22:1-14

Because of his obedience in being willing to offer up Isaac in sacrifice, God reiterated his covenant promise to Abraham, saying that in his seed all nations of the earth would be blessed. This time, however, he swore it to Abraham with an oath.—vss. 15-18

In the New Testament, we are informed that these events of Abraham’s life, including the covenant of promise made with him, pointed forward to something far grander in God’s plan. Paul explains that the “seed” through whom blessings would flow to mankind was actually Christ, and those who belong to him. These, Paul says, are “heirs according to the promise” originally made to Abraham. (Gal. 3:16,29) Commenting on the oath sworn by God to Abraham, Paul further indicates that it was a foregleam of God’s immutability concerning his promises to the true seed, Christ and his Church, the Melchisedec priesthood, which will bless all the families of the earth in God’s coming kingdom.—Heb. 6:13-20

Thus, the Abrahamic Covenant, given only by promise so long ago to Father Abraham, is the ultimate means by which all creation will be brought back into harmony with God, by obedience to his righteous kingdom laws. By this arrangement, through the seed of Christ, all mankind will gain the opportunity to receive the blessings of perfect, eternal life upon the earth.—Gal. 3:8,14; Rom. 15:8-12; Rev. 21:1-5

For additional information on the Abrahamic Covenant, please the following booklets and videos.

Why God Permits Evil
Why God Permits Evil
God Has a Plan
Three Great Covenants
Three Great Covenants
God’s Plan
God's Plan for Man
Gods Plan For Man
The Abrahamic Promise, Covenant and Oath
Abrahamic Promise, Covenant and Oath

A New Administration

From now on, through nearly the next fourteen months, the focus of  our country will be centered on the presidential election process. Time, energy, and resources including financial means will be exhausted in an effort to secure new leadership for our country. Promises are being made, change is on the way, and the old failed way of doing things will supposedly give way to much better conditions. Many have great expectations concerning what type of new administration this soon to be elected president and his cabinet will bring. What will they accomplish? Will they indeed bring prosperity to our country? Will they bring lasting peace?

Our interest, as students of the Bible, however, is in the selection of the new administration spoken of in God’s Word. It, too, requires an election process that is mentioned by the Apostle Peter when he says, “Give diligence to make your calling and election sure.” (2 Pet. 1:10) This election, or more accurately stated as the “selection” by God, is found applied to the nation of Israel in the Old Testament, “Israel mine elect.” (Isa. 45:4) Since natural Israel is a type of spiritual Israel, this election applies to spiritual Israel, or the bride of Christ called during the present Gospel Age. The prophet also points to the Messiah saying, “Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles.”—Isa. 42:1

In the New Testament we find reference to this election, such as, “Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering” (Col. 3:12); and “Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect?” (Rom. 8:33) These are being selected by God to be “partakers of the heavenly calling.” (Heb. 3:1) They are “elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father.” (1 Pet. 1:2) It is God who will complete the election process when, through Jesus, God will “send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.”—Mark 13:27

Thus will the work of election in the two harvests—the one closing the Jewish Age, and the other closing the Gospel Age—be concluded. The work of the new administration, which is the blessing of all the families of the earth, has been described as occurring when “the Sun of righteousness [representing Christ]” shall “arise with healing in his wings.” (Mal. 4:2) It will bring joy, peace, and everlasting life to all who wish to live

obediently on a restored, perfect earth. In Isaiah 9:6-9, New International Version, we read, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulders. And he shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.”

To learn more, see our ad for the booklet God Has a Plan on the back page.


Abraham is a key figure in Judaism, Christianity and even Islam. He is referenced more than 260 times in the Bible and over 70 times in the New Testament. He was born in the tenth generation from Noah through the lineage of Shem.

Originally named Abram, which means “high father,” he grew up in Ur of the Chaldees. (Gen. 11:28) When he was grown, God told him to travel to Canaan. Abram, Lot and their wives as well as Terah, Abram’s father, did as God commanded. When Abram was 99 years old, God changed his name to Abraham, which means “father of a multitude.” (chap. 17:5,6) At the same time, God promised that Abraham and his wife Sarah would have a son, Isaac.—vss. 15-19

Abraham was a man of many Bible firsts. He was the man first identified in the Scriptures as a prophet (chap. 20:7), although in Jude 14 Enoch (who came before him) is also identified as a prophet. He is also the first man described as a “Hebrew.” (Gen. 14:13) This is appropriate since he is described as the “father of many nations.” (chap. 17:5) Abraham is also described as the first man who put faith in Jehovah. (chap. 15:6) This is affirmed in Romans 4:11 where he is described as “the father of all them that believe.”

Abraham’s deep faith in God was characterized by his obedience throughout his life. He left Ur to move to Canaan. He acquiesced to God’s will when asked to offer Isaac as a “burnt offering.” (Gen. 22:2) His faith was rewarded when God intervened. Abraham pursued a strong enemy to rescued Lot’s family even though they were outnumbered. He willingly paid tithes to Melchizedek when he met Abraham returning from the victory over Lot’s enemies.

During his life, Abraham became a very wealthy man. He had great flocks, much silver and gold, and hundreds of servants. Despite his wealth, he was not materialistic, but he focused on doing God’s will. Abraham forbade idolatry within his household. Because of his faith in God and obedience to God, Abraham was described as a “friend of God.” (James 2:23) Truly, Abraham is a father figure in the Bible and is an example of faith down to our day.

Offering Isaac and God’s Oath

God tested Abraham as to his faith while also picturing the sacrifice of His own Son. Isaac was Abraham’s loved and long-promised son through Sarah even as Jesus is God’s beloved and only begotten Son. Abraham was to offer his son in sacrifice. He had split the wood for the fire but took no animal with him for the burnt offering. Naturally, Isaac would ask his father, “Where is the burnt offering?” Abraham replied that God would provide the burnt offering. So it is, God provided Jesus as our burnt offering, just as in the account God provided a ram caught in the thicket by his horns. Isaac carried the wood, picturing Jesus carrying the cross. Abraham bound Isaac and placed him on the wood. His son did not resist even though he was a young man by this time. His sacrifice was voluntary just as was Jesus’.

Abraham would have killed his son had God not sent an angel to stop him. However, God did not prevent the death of His own Son for it was necessary for man’s redemption. Abraham called the place “The-Lord-Will-Provide.” (vs. 14, New King James Version) God did provide His own Son to die on the cross.

Abraham’s faith as exercised in obedience was rewarded by God. He was promised by God’s oath that his descendants would be as the stars of heaven and as the sand of the seashore—a large number but also of a heavenly nature (stars) and of an earthly nature (sand). This oathwas a reassurance of the promise that through Abraham all the families of the earth would be blessed.—Gen. 12:3

The seed pictured by Isaac is Christ Jesus. Paul writes that if we be Christ’s then we also are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise. (Gal. 3:16,26-29) For those who hope to be of the heavenly nature, God’s oath is a strong encouragement. (Heb. 6:13-18) Those who have not the heavenly hope will have opportunity in the Millennium to become part of Abraham’s earthly seed. “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”